About Us

Boise Institute for Buddhist Studies (BIBS) is a collective or various different Buddhist groups that offer regular practice times to the public. Our goal is to offer the dharma to everyone, by having different lineages under one roof we hope you are able to find a practice that speaks to you.

Open to all, the Institute is a center focused on providing beginners and experienced practitioners with non-sectarian instruction and support. We offer the Buddha’s teachings in various lineages in the spirit of non-sectarian harmony.

Guiding Principle

The purpose of the Institute rests firmly in the Buddhist path, that of enlightened activity for the benefit of all beings. When a teacher presents the Dharma, it will reflect the teacher’s  authentic lineage.

What are classes like?

Programming is at the heart of the center. The institute presents classes on the Buddhist view and meditation, with beginner classes having a lower number and courses for more experienced students with a higher number. Teaching events provide the lifeblood of the spiritual community, allowing a chance for fellowship, shared experiences and support to catalyze the teachings into practice. The institute utilizes local teachers to present material they are uniquely qualified to teach based on their exposure and practice with those teachings.

What is “Dharma?”

The Buddhist teachings answer some of life’s most vexing problems, such as dealing with difficult emotions, pointless ruminations and difficulties in relationships. The Institute curriculum provide tools for:

  • Calming the mind with authentic Buddhist meditation technique
  • Developing our innate spiritual tendencies, adding meaning to life
  • Generating compassion for all beings
  • Developing habits of generosity, patience and joy
  • Learning the ethics of enlightened self-interest
  • Introducing Buddhist philosophy and the nature of phenomena
  • Supporting each other with a sense of community

Although Buddhism is one of the great world religions, it differs from others in several ways.

  • Teachers don’t ask listeners to accept things on faith. Rather, students are encouraged to question what is presented and ask whether or not it accords with their own experience. No dogma.
  • Buddhism is typically only shared when requested. There is no tradition of proselytizing.
  • There is no pressure to accept the entire system and become a Buddhist. It is no problem to simply accept aspects that are effective for you.

Do I have to register?

No registration necessary. Simply show up to the first scheduled class and take a seat on the floor or on a chair. For most classes it is perfectly acceptable to attend even if you missed the first couple of classes.


The Buddhist teachings are offered freely and there is no fee for attendance. Those who attend may express their appreciation for the teachings with “dana” which means generosity.

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